What is Pilates?
Pilates is a distinguished form of exercise developed by Joseph Pilates, which emphasizes the balanced development of the body through core strength, flexibility and awareness in order to support efficient, graceful movement. Pilates is unlike any other exercise method. Torso stability and core strength, along with 6 key principles (centering, control, flow, breath, precision and concentration) make it highly effective for a uniquely total conditioning.
The Benefits of Pilates
- Increase flexibility
- Increase strength and endurance
- Balance yourstructure
- Strengthen your core (spine)
- Reverse the effects of gravity and aging
How do I get started?
At the Back and Body Studios, you will enjoy a beautiful space with state of the art equipment and instructors who are experienced, knowledgable and focued on you. Our introductory fee includes your first two private sessions and your membership to the studio. Your instructor will take a medical history, interview you about your exercise and injury history. From there, you will learn about the principles of Pilates, learn how to use the equipment and pick your classes or continue with privates training.
What to Expect
Expect to feel taller, longer and more connected in your core. Expect that your body will transform, your posture will improve, your body awareness will come alive and your aches and pains will diminish. Pilates is designed to give you suppleness, natural grace and skill that will be unmistakably reflected in the way you walk, play and work.
Rehabilitation is our specialty. We recieve referrals from Pediatricians, Neurologists, Orthopaedic surgeons, OB-Gyns, Chiropractors and Osteopathic physicians consistently. Call to schedule a phone or personal consultation with Mar Kim-Garrity (Structural Therapist, Pilates Teacher Trainer and Principle Owner). It is your first step to taking back your life and your body.
Privates vs. Classes
Every client who starts a program at our studio begins with two private one on one sessions with one of our gifted instructors. From there, your teacher may suggest that you continue with a few more private session before moving forward to classes. While other clients move directly into classes, the private option is there for those clients that feel more comfrotable continuing with private session throughout.
Pilates for Golf
Every golfer knows that the key to his game is in his swing. From the backswing to the follow through, rotation of the core (spine) and shoulders will define how far and in what direction the ball will go. If the spine has compression, imbalance or stiffness, the game suffers. Our master instructors have all been certified to teach a specific Pilates program to golfers.
Pilates and Pregnancy
- Maintain strong core muscles
- Strengthen pelvic floor
- Increase energy levels
- Re-gain pre-pregnancy body faster
- Improves your changing center of balance
- Reduces your chances of developing lower back pain
- Improves breathing and lung capacity
- Increases circulation, reducing the changes of developing edema
- Promotes emotional centeredness and calm